Monuments in Extremadura
Art and culture through monuments in Extremadura
- Attractions
- Monuments

Convent of San Antonio de Padua
It was built as a result of a promise made by a noble lady, who ordered this promise to be fulfilled in the municipality of Garrovillas de Alconétar in Cáceres.
Garrovillas de Alconétar, Cáceres

Convent of San Benito
This 16th century convent can be found in the town of Alcántara in Cáceres.
Calle Regimiento de Argel, 43-45 Alcántara, Cáceres

Convent of San Francisco
If its walls could talk they would tell millions of stories due to the huge amount of tasks that have been carried out inside them.
Ronda de San Francisco s/n Cáceres, Cáceres

Convent of Santa Ana
Founded in 1518, the convent professes the rule of Saint Clare
Badajoz, Badajoz

Convent of the Bien Parada
The visitor who comes to Abadía will be impressed by the austerity of this convent and the simplicity of its construction.
Abadía, Cáceres

Conventual Santiaguista de Mérida
On your tour of Mérida you can include a visit to this 15th-century building which now houses the presidency of the government of Extremadura.
Plaza del Rastro, 12 Mérida, Badajoz

Conventual of Calera de León
The parish church, dedicated to Saint James, and the cloister are part of this artistic complex.
Plaza España, 12 Calera de León, Badajoz

Coria Castle
Coria Castle, declared a site of cultural interest, is located in the Cáceres city of the same name and you can make out part of the Alagón River plains from its high tower.
Coria, Cáceres

Coria Cathedral
This cathedral houses one of the most treasured relics from the time of Christ: the tablecloth from the Last Supper.
Pza. de la Catedral, s/n Coria, Cáceres

Coria Episcopal Palace
The Episcopal Palace of Coria is located close to the cathedral of this town in the province of Cáceres, and was built in the 17th century.
Plaza Catedral, s/n Coria, Cáceres