Festivities in Extremadura

Tourist Interest Festivities in Extremadura

  1. Attractions
  2. Regional Festivities
  3. Regional Festivities
Bajada y Novenario de la Virgen de la Montaña

Bajada y Novenario de la Virgen de la Montaña


The procession of the Virgin, from the sanctuary of the mountain to Santa María co-cathedral, declared a Festival of Regional Tourist Interest, is one of the biggest dates on the religious calendar in Cáceres.


Carretera de la Montaña, s/n Cáceres, Cáceres

The Chanfaina in Fuente de Cantos

The Chanfaina in Fuente de Cantos


Fuente de Cantos welcomes thousands of visitors to taste its delicious lamb traditional dish.


Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz

The Santa Cruz Festival

The Santa Cruz Festival


Also known as the May Crosses, this event, declared to be a Festivity of Tourist Interest in Extremadura, is held on 3 May in Feria.


Feria, Badajoz

San Isidro Pilgrimage in Fuente de Cantos

San Isidro Pilgrimage in Fuente de Cantos


Fuente de Cantos recovers its pilgrim spirit on 15 May to celebrate San Isidro Labrador.


Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz

San Isidro Pilgrimage in Valencia de Alcántara

San Isidro Pilgrimage in Valencia de Alcántara


On 15 May, Valencia de Alcántara puts on its best face to celebrate the patron saint of farmers on the feast of San Isidro.


Valencia de Alcantara, Cáceres

The Battle of La Albuera

The Battle of La Albuera


The performance of this famous battle will stay with you forever, as was the case with Lord Byron, who witnessed it.


La Albuera, Badajoz

Emerita Lvdica in Mérida

Emerita Lvdica in Mérida


Discover first-hand the life of the Romans who used to live in Mérida.


Mérida, Badajoz

The Literary Route on Romanticism

The Literary Route on Romanticism


With reenactments, street performances, poetry, theatre and gastronomy activities, Almendralejo pays tribute to two great Romantic literature authors who were born in the town.


Plaza de la Iglesia, 16 Almendralejo, Badajoz

Vive la Trashumancia y Feria del Queso Artesano

Vive la Trashumancia y Feria del Queso Artesano


De Interés Turístico Regional, esta fiesta rinde tributo a los pastores y a la tradición trashumante. En este pueblo de Badajoz se inicia la Cañada Real Soriana Occidental, de 700 km, una de las vías pecuarias más importantes de España.


Valverde de Leganés, Badajoz

Corpus Christi de Fuentes de León

Corpus Christi de Fuentes de León



Fuentes de León, Badajoz