Legal Notice

Acceptance of Legal Notice

This Legal Notice regulates the use of information society services which the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure offers to Internet users through the Website. The User's (hereinafter, the “User”) access to and use of the Website implies that he/she accepts in their entirety and undertakes to fully comply with the terms and conditions set out in this Legal Notice, and also in the Privacy Policy article of the Portal. Therefore, the User has to carefully read this Legal Notice each time he or she wishes to use the Portal, given that the Legal Notice and its terms and conditions of use may undergo modifications.

Furthermore, through the Portal, the Department of General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure offers the User the following services, inter alia:

  1. information about different tourist destinations in Extremadura;
  2. tourist establishments search engine;
  3. links to different Websites allowing you to book flights, hotels, etc.;
  4. to take part in the Social Network.

Use of the aforementioned services may be subject to specific instructions or conditions which will have to be accepted by the User, and which, in each specific case, shall replace, complete and/or amend this Legal Notice.

Independently of the fact that the User's mere use of the Portal implies his/her acceptance of this Legal Notice, in order for the User to register on the forms included in the Portal, he/she will have to expressly accept this Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy article of the Portal.

Description of Website

Purpose of Website

Through the Portal, you can find out about activities, services and programmes carried out by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure. The Website is also intended to be an application which can be used to search for information about Extremadura's tourist resources, culture and places to visit in Extremadura, etc. It is also hoped that the Portal can help to create a network for the exchange of experiences to allow communication between the different groups which are engaged in tourism in Extremadura. In particular, the website is intended to be a place for exchange and knowledge for establishments which are interested in offering quality tourist services, and tourists who wish to explore in depth and find out more information about the tourist attractions in Extremadura.

Nonetheless, the information offered on the Website is purely for information purposes, and is simply designed to complement or identify tourist destinations and offers. Consequently, should you have any questions about the information contained on the Portal, we recommend that you directly contact the Tourist Information Office of the place you wish to visit, and the tourist resource (hotel, show, etc.) you wish to enjoy.

Organisation of Website

The Portal is organised into different sections which can be accessed from the home page, such as “Come to Extremadura”, “Explore”, “Organise your trip”, "Professional", etc. Generally speaking, you are free to navigate the Website, although to take part in contents you need to have previously registered as a user on the Website (hereinafter, “Registered User”).

Furthermore, through the Portal you will, among other things, be able to carry out the following activities: (i) share your experiences with other users by leaving comments, travel plans for which you may grant permits to other users to view and comment on those contents; (iii) value and comment on the tourist resources contained in the portal; (iv) search, compare and access the booking page for accommodation, hotels, restaurants, activities, events, means of transport; (v) download routes and itineraries; (vi) share and recommend to other users the portal contents; and; (vii) any other initiatives which the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure can carry out through the Portal at any moment.

Terms and conditions of use of the Portal

Access to the Website is without charge, except for the cost of the Internet connection supplied by the User's provider. The User undertakes not to use the Website for fraudulent purposes, and not to behave in any way which could jeopardise the image, interests or rights of the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism of Extremadura or of third parties. Furthermore, the User undertakes not to perform any action with the object of harming, disabling or overloading the Website, or which might in any way prevent the normal use and operation thereof. The User is hereby informed that should he/she fail to comply with the contents of this Legal Notice, of the Privacy Policy, or of any other specific terms and conditions set out in the Portal, the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism in Extremadura reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate his/her access to the Website, taking any technical measure which might be necessary for that purpose. Furthermore, the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism of Extremadura reserves the right to exercise such measures if it had reasonable grounds to suspect that the User is infringing any of the terms and conditions set out in the aforementioned documents. Lastly, the User is hereby informed that the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism of Extremadura reserves the right to decide, at any time, regarding the continuity of the information society services which it provides through the Portal.

Acceptance of terms and conditions of use

Obtaining Registered User status

In order to take part in portal contents, you need to have previously registered as a Registered User of the Website, for which you will have to fill in the pertinent personal data form enabled for that purpose.

Furthermore, in order to obtain Registered User status, it is essential that you previously read these Terms and Conditions of Use and accept the content thereof. For that purpose, an empty box has been prepared with the following text: “I have read and accept the Legal Notice and the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Portal”. By marking the box enabled for that purpose it will mean you accept all these Terms and Conditions of Use.
Legal minors are forbidden to register as Registered Users. The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure has established a number of measures to prevent legal minors registering as Registered Users. These measures are indicated in the Control of Registered User's Age section of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Registration Process

First, the Registered User will have to choose a profile (he may be a Tourist or Professional), a username, a contact email and a password, and he will also have to fill in a Captcha field (Captcha is synonymous of Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart). This field is a challenge-response test used to determine when the user is or is not human; the user has to enter a set of characters which show a distorted image which appears on the screen.

During the registration process, the Registered User will be asked to provide the following information, which shall be processed by the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism of Extremadura in the terms established in the Protection of Personal Data section of these Terms and Conditions of Use:

  • Profile (can be Tourist, Professional and Journalist)
  • Email address (needed to activate the account)*
  • Password (case sensitive)*
  • Name
  • Surname

This information will be used to identify the economic field in which you perform your professional activity and the company particulars so that the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure can check whether they are genuine.

These details will form part of the Registered User's file. Your details will be sent to the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure, which will send an email to the email address furnished by you, confirming that you have been registered as a Registered User, although you will have to activate your Registered User account using the link provided in that email.

You will only obtain Registered User status once you have clicked on the activation link in the confirmation email sent to the email address indicated in the registration form.

How the Portal and Services work

Once you have completed the procedure to become a Registered User, every time you wish to access the services available on the portal you will have to enter your username and password. If the Registered User forgets this information, then in order to be able to take part in the Social Network you will have to enter your username in the field indicated for that purpose, and you will automatically be sent an email with your password.

Also, if you have forgotten your password, you will be able to ask to create a new password, by clicking on the following link: “I forgot my password”, which you will see at the bottom of the authentication form under the “Log In” option. If you follow this procedure, you will be sent an encrypted and personalised link to your registration email, which you can use to update your password.
Each Registered User has his or her own section or personal page (hereinafter “My Profile”) which is configured according to his or her specific profile. The Personal Area includes the following contents:

  • A tool for editing the Registered User profile, through which you can add more details to your profile
  • The comments included in any portal content
  • A direct link to the travel plans prepared by the Registered User and included in the “My travel plans” section.

Procedure to cancel registered user status

You can ask to be removed as a Registered User at any time. To do so, send an email to the following address:
Please note that if you cancel your Registered User status, you will lose all the information included in your Personal Area.
Also, Registered Users will be able to request that they be removed temporarily, in which case their details will be blocked until the Registered User asks to reactivate his or her profile. To ask to be temporarily removed, you will have to send an email to the following address:

Username and password

The Registered User will be the sole party responsible for choosing a username which does not allow him/her to be identified by third parties. The username will be “unique”, in other words, two users cannot have an identical name. You are therefore recommended not to choose combinations such as the Registered User's initials, his/her name and surnames, etc.

Furthermore, the Registered User alone shall be responsible for choosing a password with an adequate level of security. Hence, for his/her password, the Registered User is recommended not to choose obvious combinations which might be easily unencrypted by a third party. The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure recommends that you use a random combination of numbers, letters and symbols as your password.
The Registered User will be responsible for the safekeeping and secrecy of his/her password, and must ensure that it is not disclosed to any third party. Should you suspect that a third party might have found out your password, you should immediately modify your password in your Personal Area.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Proprietor of the Social Network and Services

The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or its licensees are the rightful owners of the following: (i) the intellectual property rights as regards the design of the contents of the Social Network (sui generis right in respect of the databases); (ii) its visual design (look & feel); (iii) the core computer programs (including the source codes); and (iv) the contents, charts, photographs, videos, sound recordings, information, comments, statements etc. (hereinafter, the "Contents") included by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure in the Portal.

The distinctive signs included by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure on the Website (brands and commercial names) are the property of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or of its licensees.

The use of the Website by the Registered User (or not registered) does not entail the granting of any intellectual and/or industrial property right in respect of the Website and the Contents and/or distinctive signs of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure. For that purpose, except in those cases in which it is legally permitted or written authorisation has been granted by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure, the Registered User (or not registered) shall not be entitled to reproduce, convert, distribute, publicly disclose, put at the disposal of third parties, extract and/or reuse the Website, the Contents and/or the distinctive signs of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure.

Contents included in the Website by Registered Users

Guaranteed ownership of rights

The Registered User declares and assures the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure that he/she is the rightful owner of the intellectual property rights in respect of any Contents included in the Social Network.

Hence, the Registered User declares and guarantees that the inclusion of the aforementioned Contents on the Website, does not, in any way whatsoever, infringe the intellectual property rights or any others belonging to a third party.

The Registered User is forbidden from including any distinctive sign (trademark or commercial name) on the Website and the Services, unless that reproduction has been previously authorised by the rightful owner of the distinctive sign.

Ownership of the contents provided by the Registered Users

The Registered User is the owner of the intellectual property rights in relation to the Contents included in the Social Network.

When you accept these Terms and Conditions of Use, you authorise the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure to reproduce and publicly disclose the aforementioned Contents through the Social Networks. The Registered User grants the aforesaid authorisation on a non-exclusive, transferable basis, for a geographical region of the world and until the Registered User is cancelled.

Liability for the contents included in the Website by registered users

Without prejudice to the Legal Notice of the Website, the Registered User recognises and accepts that it is the sole party responsible for the comments, manifestations and Contents made through the Website. In this regard, you declare and guarantee that:

  • The Contents included by you on the Website shall not, under any circumstances, infringe the right to honour, self-image, reputation and/or fame of the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism of Extremadura, or of any other natural person or legal entity.
  • The Contents included in the Website shall not compromise the right to intimacy and/or privacy of any third party. In particular, the Registered User undertakes not to disclose personal details of any third party through the portal.
  • He/she shall not include any comments or content of a xenophobic, sexual (or adult), violent, sexist nature, etc, on the Website and in the Services.

Under no circumstances shall the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure be held responsible for the comments or statements made and/or Contents included by the Registered User on the Website; in these cases, the DGeneral Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall merely host the information pursuant to article 16 Law 34/2002, of 12 July, of Information Society Services and E-Commerce (hereinafter, "LSSI"). This shall be without prejudice to the measures adopted by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure to moderate the comments or Contents included on the Web Site, in accordance with the stipulations indicated in the following section of these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Moderation of contents

The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure has set up a triple filter to prevent comments or Contents which are inappropriate, slanderous, offensive, unlawful, or which might in any way be contrary to the principles of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or which might infringe third parties' rights, from being included on the Website.

The lack of an express statement by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure in relation to the comments or Content included on the Website and the Services, shall not imply, in any way whatsoever, that the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure approves or shares the point of view of the aforesaid comments or Contents.

Control by the Department of Development, Housing, Territorial Organisation and Tourism of Extremadura

The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure has created the figure of Content Moderator (hereinafter, the "Moderator") for the purpose of removing comments or Contents which might be contrary to the principles of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or which could apparently be slanderous, offensive, unlawful, or which might in any way infringe the rights of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or of third parties.

For that purpose, the Registered User recognises and accepts that the Moderator will be able to delete, at any time and without advance warning, any such comments or Contents included on the Website which might apparently meet the requirements indicated in the preceding paragraph.

Reporting by Registered Users

In addition to the mechanism indicated in the above section, should the Registered User observe that comments or Contents which are not in keeping with the principles of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or which might apparently be slanderous, offensive, unlawful or which might in any way infringe the rights of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure or of third parties, have been included on the Social Network, then he or she shall be entitled to report this fact to the following email address:

Nevertheless, even if the Registered User reports such comments or Contents, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure is not necessarily obliged to remove it/them.

Reporting by an unregistered user

In addition to the stipulations indicated in the preceding paragraphs, a procedure has been established in the Legal Notice of the Website, whereby unregistered users of the Portal can report comments or Contents included in the Website which are inappropriate or unlawful in the terms indicated in the preceding paragraph.

Notification of unlawful and inappropriate activities

If the User or any other Internet user were to learn that any kind of information or content of the Portal or furnished through it, including content on the Social Network, were unlawful, harmful to the rights of third parties, not in keeping with this Legal Notice, or were in any other way offensive or immoral or indecent, he/she shall be entitled to contact the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure indicating the following:

Personal details of the informant: name, address, telephone number and email address;

- Description of the facts which reveal the unlawful or unsuitable nature of the content or information and the specific address where it is available;

- If the rights of third parties - such as intellectual or industrial property are infringed, it will be necessary to furnish the details of the proprietor of the infringed right when that person is different from the informant. He/she will also have to furnish the title evidencing the ownership of the infringed rights, and, as the case may be, the representation to act on behalf of the proprietor when the person is different from the informant; the receipt by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure of the notification indicated in this clause shall not imply the effective knowledge of the activities and/or contents indicated by the informant, when this is not obvious or evident, in accordance with the provisions of the LSSI.

- In any event, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure reserves the right to suspend or remove contents which might not be unlawful but which are not in keeping with the standards indicated in this Legal Notice, considering in each case the legal assets in conflict.

Responsibility of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure.

The User must bear in mind that communications over open networks are exposed to a large number of threats, making them potentially insecure. The User is responsible for taking all the appropriate technical measures to reasonably control these threats, measures which should include having updated systems for detecting malicious software, such as viruses, Trojan horses, etc., and also updating web browser security patches. For further information, contact your Internet Service Provider, which will be able to provide you with solutions appropriate for your needs. The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall not be held responsible for damages caused to the User as a result of risks which are an inherent part of the medium used, nor those caused by weaknesses in his/her systems and applications. Nor does the DGeneral Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure guarantee the total security of its systems, and although it has adopted appropriate security measures, it cannot totally rule out possible weaknesses, and thus, the User must be cautious during his/her interaction with the Portal. The General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall only be held responsible for the damages caused in the use of the Portal, when such damages are directly caused by malicious intent or serious negligence by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure and there had been no neglect by the User. In particular, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall not be held responsible for:

- Damages of any kind caused to the User's IT equipment due to viruses, Trojan horses, or any other type of harmful element.

- Damages of any kind caused to the User which might be due to failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks, thereby causing the Portal service to be suspended, cancelled or interrupted. In this regard, the User recognises that the Portal requires the services provided by third parties beyond the control of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure (for example, telecommunications network operators, access providers, etc.) whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation are not the responsibility of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure, nor is it responsible for guaranteeing the service availability.

- For the information of third parties in cases in which it acts as a provider of intermediation services in the sense indicated by the LSSI, except when it has been effectively aware of the information and has not removed the information in question.

Links Policy

  1. Establishing links with the Portal. It is forbidden to create links to the Website, unless it has been previously authorised by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure. In any event, once the link is authorised by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure, it will have to comply with the following terms and conditions:

    • The link will only be linked to the home page of the Portal.
    • The link cannot consist of frames to display the Portal using URLs other than those of the Website or which might in any way jointly display the Portal information together with that included in other websites.
    • The website where the link is entered (hereinafter, “Linking Site”) shall not contain any kind of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about the Portal and/or the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure.
    • Under no circumstances shall the authorisation granted by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure imply that: (i) it sponsors, collaborates, verifies or oversees the content and/or the services provided through the Linking Site; nor (ii) is it to be held responsible for the contents of the Linking Site.
    • The Linking Site will have to comply with applicable laws, and under no circumstances shall it host contents, which are proprietary or of third parties, which: (i) are unlawful, offensive or immoral and indecent (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (ii) which suggest or which might suggest to the User the misconception that the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure subscribes, supports, agrees with or in any way approves the lawful or unlawful ideas, statements or expressions of the referring site; and (iii) which might be inappropriate or not unsuitable in relation to the activity of the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure. In the event of a breach of any of the aforementioned terms, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall proceed to remove the link on an immediate basis and without advance warning.
  2. Linked Sites In order to be able to help you find additional information, we have included various technical devices for links which allow the User to access other websites (hereinafter, “Linked Sites”). In these cases, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure acts as an intermediation services provider, pursuant to article 17 of the LSSI. In accordance with the aforesaid laws, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall not be held responsible for the services and contents provided through the Linked Sites, unless it actually learns that a Site may be unlawful and it has not disabled the link with sufficient diligence. The existence of Linked Sites does not, under any circumstances, imply a recommendation, promotion, identification or agreement by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure with the statements, contents, or services provided through the Linked Sites. Hence, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall not be held responsible for the content of the Linked Sites, nor of its Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policies, while the User is the only party responsible for checking them and accepting them every time he/she accesses and uses them. In particular, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall not be held responsible for the content of Linked Sites which offer booking in tourist establishments, the purchase of flights, tickets to shows, etc.

    For these purposes, the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure hereby informs the User of the following: (i) the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure does not offer any type of commercial offer to interested parties; (ii) the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure only provides information furnished by the proprietors of the Linked Sites; and (iii) the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure is not held responsible for the accuracy of the information provided, of the prices shown on the Website and on the Linked Sites, nor should any difficulty arise in making the booking and/or purchase by the User on the Linked Sites subsequently. If the User were to consider that the Linked Sited included contents that were unlawful, offensive, denigrating, violent or inappropriate, he/she shall be able to inform the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure through the following email address However, such a notification shall not mean, under any circumstances, that the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure shall be obliged to remove the pertinent link, nor does it necessarily imply that the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure were aware of the unlawfulness of the contents of the Linked Sites, in accordance with applicable laws.

Data protection

As indicated in this Legal Notice, aspects concerning the handling of the User's personal data with regard to the Portal are regulated in the Privacy Policy, and in the legal texts attached to the different data collection forms included in the Portal.

The handling of personal data arising from the use by the Portal Users, is described in this article, whose content will have to be accepted by the User when he/she registers on the Portal.


Pursuant to article 3 of the LSSI, laws applicable to information society services provided by the General Directorate of Tourism of Department of Economy and Infrastructure through the Portal shall be those of the Kingdom of Spain. If any of the provisions contained in this Legal Notice were considered to be null, it shall be removed or replaced. In any event, a declaration of annulment shall not affect the validity of the rest of the provisions set out in this Legal Notice.