Talarrubias bus station
- Plan your Trip
- Estación de autobuses de Talarrubias
Estación de autobuses de Talarrubias
Location and Contact:
Calle Fuentecita s/n
, Badajoz (Extremadura)
- Tel.:902 432 343
There is a public transport service available for you to discover and visit Extremadura: you will find a station in Talarrubias
- Type:
- Bus
- Accessible car park
- Transport
More suggestions
Museum of the giant of Extremadura
Agustín Luengo Capilla, 235 m tall, grew to be one of the tallest men of his time. Puebla de Alcocer, his hometown, pays homage to its giant in a touching museum.
Puebla de Alcocer
Surrounded by mountains and lakes, this is an ideal place for hunting, fishing and water sports.
Esparragosa de Lares
Puebla de Alcocer Castle
From the top of the keep, the views take in the La Serena reservoir and an extensive area of La Siberia.
La Serena reservoir
This body of water is the second largest in the Iberian peninsular, and one of the largest in Europe