Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
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Encuentra el espacio para que tu estancia en Extremadura sea única.
Extremadura pone a tu disposición una amplia variedad de alojamientos entre los que se encuentran, entre otros, hoteles, casas rurales, apartamentos, campings y albergues.
Espacios que harán que tu estancia en esta tierra sea perfecta, ya que además algunos de ellos son edificios históricos o con encanto, situados en enclaves únicos.
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More suggestions
National Roman Art Museum in Mérida
The National Roman Art Museum (MNAR) shows the visitor different sides of daily life in the province of Hispania.
Museum of Visigoth Art and Culture
The collection of Visigoth pieces in this museum brings together relics from Mérida from the 4th-8th centuries, as the capital of the Diocesis Hispaniarum and as the metropolitan capital of the province of Lusitania
Museum of Mérida
The Museum of the Town of Mérida houses a collection on the Mérida-born sculptor and other pieces that take one on a route through the town's history.
Extremadura Geology Museum
Its collection has made this museum one of the most important of its kind.
La Garrovilla
Arroyo de San Serván
Mérida, roman to modern-day city
In addition to being some of the most important Roman remains in Europe, Mérida has many leisure activities and services.
Roman theatre of Mérida
The town of Mérida contains one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, of which the Roman theatre forms part.