
Torre de Santa María

The perfect place to try this delicacy from the dehesa pastures

Location and Contact:

Plaza de España, 1
10186 Torre de Santa María , Cáceres (Extremadura)
  • The perfect place to try this delicacy from the dehesa pastures

    Torre de Santa María is one of the 19 towns on the Montánchez Ham Route, the region in which it is located. If you are following the route, this town is well worth a stop to enjoy some DO Dehesa de Extremadura ham in a different setting.

    Don't leave Torre de Santa María without visiting the La Encina Nieta oak tree, which has been declared a Unique Tree. The tree measures five metres around the base of the trunk and is believed to be many centuries old. The tree is one of the town's symbols.

  • Type:

    • Locality


    • Destinations

    Target audience:

    • Families
    • Young people
    • Single people
    • Senior citizens
    • Children
    • Couples
    • Single people


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