Playa Orellanita - Orellana de la Sierra
- Explore
- Playa Orellanita - Orellana de la Sierra
Location and Contact:
- Tel.:924866401
- Email: ayuntamiento@orellanadelasierra.es
- Website address: www.orellanadelasierra.es
En Orellana de la Sierra la abundancia de pesca y la navegación a vela encuentran aquí sus mejores condiciones.
- Type:
- Beach reservoir
- Parking
- Leisure
More suggestions
Navalvillar de Pela
Orellana de la Sierra
Orellana la Vieja
The Altamirano Castle-Palace
This is a military fortress from the 15th century which was rebuilt as a palace in the 16th century. It is in the municipality of Orellana la Vieja.
Colonias de Cernícalo Primilla de Acedera Special Protection Area (SPA) for Birds
The area attracts kestrels throughout the year, especially in the breeding season.
Orellana Beach
At the Orellana reservoir you can enjoy a great day on the beach in the heart of Extremadura.
Orellana reservoir
Located in the north of Badajoz province, this reservoir is one of the most important wetlands in Extremadura and an ideal place for bathing, water sports and bird watching.
San Antón Race in Navalvillar
For Saint Anthony's day, Navalvillar de Pela deck out their horses to commemorate how the Moors were scared away.
San Antón Race in Navalvillar
For Saint Anthony's day, Navalvillar de Pela deck out their horses to commemorate how the Moors were scared away.