
Columbus Festival in Guadaupe

Every 12 October, the date on which the Virgin of Guadalupe was crowned the Queen of Columbus Day is remembered.

  1. Explore
  2. Fiesta de la Hispanidad

Equestrian meeting in honour of the patroness of Extremadura

Location and Contact:

Guadalupe , Cáceres (Extremadura)
  • Every 12 October, the date on which the Virgin of Guadalupe was crowned the Queen of Columbus Day is remembered.

    The Royal Society of the Knights of Santa María de Guadalupe organise the Columbus Day Fiesta every year, which has been declared a Festivity of Tourist Interest in Extremadura. On that day, hundreds of riders gather together outside the monastery to render homage to the patroness of Extremadura, commemorating her crowing as the Queen of Columbus Day by Alfonso XIII in 1929.

    It is at the gates of the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe monastery at five o' clock in the evening that the deafening sound of thousands of hooves on the paved stone takes possession of the atmosphere and an act of reception is held for these riders who have ridden hours, and even days, to celebrate this feast. Earlier on that day, in the morning, bands and medals are conferred and new society knights named who will strike out in procession towards the basilica where a mass will be said in honour of the Queen of Columbus Day.

    In addition to these acts in which you can take part on the 12th, you can also enjoy other festivity-related events, such as the Guadalupe-Columbus Day Prize ceremony, conferences on the Hispanic world and the Columbus Day Concert.

  • Type:
  • Tourist Interest in Extremadura
  • Event subject:
  • Religion
  • Popular traditions
  • Start date:
    End date:


    • Events

    Target audience:

    • Families
    • Young people
    • Single people
    • Senior citizens
    • Children
    • Couples
    • Single people


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