Nature areas
Colonias de Cernícalo Primilla de Belvís De Monroy Special Protection Area (SPA) for Birds
The area attracts kestrels throughout the year, especially in the breeding season.
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- Colonias de Cernícalo Primilla de Belvís De Monroy Special Protection Area (SPA) for Birds
A home from home
Location and Contact:
The area attracts kestrels throughout the year, especially in the breeding season.
The Colonias de Cernícalo Primilla Special Protection Area for Birds lies in the heart of Belvís de Monroy, in the province of Cáceres. As its name implies, the area's most famous inhabitant is the Cernícalo Primilla (Lesser Kestrel), which are attracted here in large numbers, especially in the breeding season.
This is one of Extremadura's urban Special Protection Area for Birds, mainly populated by the lesser kestrel, which is used to living among people and nests in holes in buildings. -
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