
San Marcos Winery

The care of San Marcos wines begins as of the moment the grape reaches the winery

  1. Explore
  2. Bodega San Marcos


Caring for good Extremadura wine

Location and Contact:

Carretera Aceuchal, s/n.
06200 Almendralejo , Badajoz (Extremadura)
  • The care of San Marcos wines begins as of the moment the grape reaches the winery

    Its over twenty-five years of making and bottling wines has witnessed the San Marcos Winery position itself among Extremadura's top wine makers. Its young wines, crianzas (aged min. 2 years, 6 months in barrel) and reservas (aged min. 2 years, 1 year in barrel) are carefully crafted, given that in-house care for the well-being of the wine begins with the arrival of the grape at the winery. No effort proves too much when it comes to trying to improve the result for the end consumer.

    San Marcos Winery exports to European countries and, indeed, worldwide.

    If it's a good wine you want to accompany your meal, don't forget to make a reservation to eat at its wine restaurant after your visit to the winery. There you can enjoy our best wines accompanied by your choice from the delicious á la carte menu, not to mention the views of the crianza (aged min. 2 years, 6 months in barrel) winery.   

  • Activities:

    • Winery visits


    • Gastronomy




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